

『紅葉狩』(Maple Viewing)
1899/ 日本/ 11 mins
Director: 柴田常吉(Shibata Tsunekichi)
現存する最も古い日本映画。「団菊時代」を築いた明治の2大名優である9 代目・市川団十郎と5代目・尾上菊五郎が歌舞伎の一場面を再現している貴重な記録映画。
Considering that films remaining from the 1920's are exceedingly rare, Maple Viewig is by far the oldest Japanese Film. It is a documentary film which recreates a kabuki scene. The priceless film stars two of the biggest names in the Dangiku acting legacies of the Meiji Era, Danjuro Ichikawa IX and Kikugoro Onoe V.

『月世界旅行』(Le Voyage dans la Lune)
1902/ France/ 14 mins
Directed/ Produced/ Written by George Melies
Being based on two popular novels of the time: “From the Earth to the Moon” by Jules Verne and “The First Men in the Moon” by H. G. Wells, this film was written and directed by Georges Melies. It is often considered as the first sci-fi film and a film that used early trick photography effects to depict a spacecraft’s journey to the moon.

『カリガリ博士』(Das Kabinett des Doktor Caligari)

1920/ Germany/ 71 mins

Director: Robert Wiene Art Direction: Hermann Warm
A symbol of German Art of the time, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari s one of the most acclaimed German films of all time. The film contains contributions from various artists. From the striking distorted sets to the artful design to the make up and costuming of the actors this masterpiece is consistently powerful in its symbolism. It is praised as an early pioneer of the horror film genre and an inspiration to numerous film directors.


1921/ USA/ 70 mins

Director: Ray C. Smallwood Cast: Alla Nazimova
There is a lot of importance placed on the Russian actress Alla Nazimova who stars in this film. Without her performance as Princess Camille, the film would most likely have gone unnoticed. As one of the biggest actresses of the silent film era, without speech, she had to rely on facial expressions and body language alone to convey her character's various feelings and motivations. Despite numerous incarnations of this film, the 1921 version with Alla Nazimova remains one of the most highly praised.

『戦艦ポチョムキン』 (Bronesez Potemkine)
1925/ USSR / 74 min
Director: Sergei Eisenstein

Battleship Potemkin established film grammar through various methods including extensive use of the golden ratio in composition and the montage technique, which combines multiple images in rapid succession to create a new meaning. The scene in which a baby carriage falls down a set of stairs is called the most famous six minutes of film history. It is also worth mentioning that it was produced as a communist propaganda film for the 20th anniversary of the First Russian Revolution. Director Eisenstein makes a cameo appearence as a Catholic priest.

『アンダルシアの犬』(Un Chien Andalou)
1928/ France/ 16mins
Director:Luis Buñuel / Screenplay: Luis Buñuel and Salvador Dalí

This surrealist experimental film is composed of a shocking and unrealistic imagery that does away with rationality and the possibility of an explanation. Film director Luis Buñuel and artist Salvador Dalí attempted to capture dreams the two had in this masterpiece which was chosen by supernal film critic Nagaharu Yodogawa as one of the 100 best films.